Helping Hearts

Georgetown Area Junior Forum exhibits Helping Hearts each time they fill food bags for Helping Hands of Georgetown, set up or work at the Georgetown Swirl and Taste of Georgetown, provide, and help children make crafts at Blue Santa, supply meals at The Rock, conduct Valentine making craft session at Central Texas Baptist Children’s Home, organize entertainment and springtime gifts for the residents at Park Place or drop off Pizza’s to hospital workers and first responders. Our hearts are truly open to help in any way we can to make our community a wonderful place to live.

Fill the Bus – Frost Elementary

For many years, Fill the Bus was our main service project in Georgetown.  We provided free school supplies to anyone who needed them, including teachers!  This year, we are targeting our Fill the Bus efforts on Frost Elementary.  Through GISD, we have become a named business partner with Frost, helping them with volunteers at school events, teacher appreciation celebrations, Book Fair assistance & monetary donations, providing every family in need with a backpack filled with school supplies to start the new year.  We also gave grade level educator teams supplies to help offset out of pocket expenses. We plan to continue our relationship with this school, and support their efforts much the way an active PTA would.

Helping Hands of Georgetown

We selected Helping Hands as one of our key charities, because of their amazing outreach in the downtown Georgetown area. Our volunteers have provided food donations, supplies and countless service hours by assisting in the daily food/pantry program for those who are in need in our community.  Several times a year, we provide the food and serve an average of 95 meals at their Sunday Supper outreach.

Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center

Over the years, GAJF has donated funds and sent volunteers to the WCCAC for their various projects.  Our volunteers collected new stuffed animals for the facility to be given to the children they serve at the center, worked at the Christmas Market as well as other events needing help throughout the year. GAJF respects the vital role WCCAC provides in our Williamson County Community and is committed to continued support.

The Nest Empowerment Center ( The Georgetown Project)

GAJF Volunteers have long supported the Nest and the students they serve. The NEST Empowerment Center is a safe haven that offers basic needs, counseling, academic and enrichment support for GISD high school students who are homeless, at-risk or living in transition. In addition to evening meals, our volunteers have stocked the take home food pantry as well as personal grooming items needed by the students. Members have assisted in providing holiday decorations as well as monetary gifts to help with individual needs of the nest students. This year GAJF is establishing a Grant program to provide a monetary gift to graduating seniors who  are pursing higher education or enrolling in a trade school.

Table of Grace/Grace 365

Table of Grace has reached out to us several times for help providing shoes, clothing and school supplies for the foster children they serve.  We have provided gift cards and other monetary donations as well as sponsored Easter egg hunts and other celebrations for the children who live at this transitional home. Established in 2021, Grace 365 provides supervised independent living for young adults who have aged out of foster care. GAJF supports this program with financial help as wells as volunteer hours.

Hope Alliance

Our relationship with Hope Alliance Women’s Shelter is a long lasting one.  Over the past decade, we have redecorated rooms for them, provided Thanksgiving Dinners for shelter families, as well as provided numerous financial donations. We collect toiletries and baby items to help fill their shelves.